This job offer is no longer available

Generalist lawyer - Junior profile (Min 1 year experience)


Neolegal was founded following an observation: traditional access to justice is sometimes cruelly lacking in accessibility. Its cost, its slowness but also its complexity sometimes make it the worst enemy of the person who nevertheless has a real need in this area.

Today, the great Neolegal family continues to grow and continues over time. We cover most areas of law: criminal law, business law, civil law, family law, etc.

We contribute together to protect and guarantee the rights of our customers, all different, but so unique to us. We are at Neolegal, a big devoted family and what drives us is the interests of those who call on us.

If you recognize yourself in our story, now is the time to align your career with your values.

Profile sought

Are you passionate about litigation and want to participate in the future of legal services, while being in control of your schedule? Neolegal is looking for candidates with a more junior profile but with versatility and adaptability in the areas of practice law.

Job description

As a lawyer at Neolegal, you will be responsible for the following functions:

· Provide remote advice and support to Neolegal clients in their incorporation and family law files, particularly concerning the amicable divorce procedure, child custody, alimony, etc. or in civil litigation;

· Write, review and annotate legal documents, such as formal notices, joint or contested legal applications, pension determination forms and all documents related to family law files, court proceedings small claims, or even to the Court of Quebec;

· Support Neolegal clients through the different stages of a civil or family conflict, while ensuring that legal information is popularized;

· Carry out research mandates and legal opinions;

· Conduct negotiation mandates;

Job Requirements

· On the grounds that we serve an English-speaking clientele: Being bilingual orally and in writing (an asset);

· Be very comfortable with the use of technologies;

· Member of the Quebec Bar for at least 1 year;

· Ability to explain legal concepts simply;

· Excellent customer service and comfortable on the phone.


  • Teleworking
  • 3 weeks vacation upon hire
  • Competitive salary
  • Respect for work/family balance
  • ZERO stress guarantee at home
  • No timesheet to fill out
  • Integration into a dynamic team with the ambition of developing the legal profession

420 R. Notre Dame O, Montréal, QC H2Y 1V3, Canada

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